Ancon News

South Bend Cubs Claims Top 10 Status in Nationwide Merchandise Sales

South Bend Cubs Claims Top 10 Status in Nationwide Merchandise Sales

Class A Chicago Cubs’ minor league affiliate, the South Bend Cubs, recently announced they have achieved a Top 10 status in nationwide merchandise sales among all 160 professional minor league teams.  South Bend’s close proximity to Chicago and a loyal fan base to the Chicago Cubs were all factors when the Chicago Cubs and the South Bend Cubs became affiliated in 2014.  The South Bend Cubs are now one of the “hottest” teams in Minor League Baseball and the national and international sales of merchandise are giving the team unprecedented exposure.

Ancon Construction salutes and commends South Bend Cub team owner Andrew Berlin and President Joe Hart for their compassion and commitment to the team, the fan base, the City of South Bend, and the Michiana region.  Ancon is proud to play a small role in the success thus far with building projects such as the Tiki Hut, the Performance Center, and other numerous projects throughout the baseball campus.

Here is what South Bend Cubs President Joe Hart is saying about Ancon Construction: “We’ve worked with Ancon in the past; we knew they could get it done. They’re great communicators and are there every step of the way. I have nothing but great things to say about Ancon. I get a lot better sleep at night knowing that Ancon is on the project. When they said they were going to do something, they did it. Not only have I worked with them on projects from a business standpoint, I have become friends with people over there too. They are people I would go and socialize with outside of a project, which says a lot about their character. I felt like they were part of our staff because the understood how important this project was to us and the community. They wanted to make sure that they did themselves proud, us proud, and ultimately the community proud.”

Work Underway on Shoppes at Edison Lakes

Work Underway on Shoppes at Edison Lakes

Construction is underway on a new 9,000 sqft retail center on Main Street in Mishawaka, just north of Edison Lakes Parkway.  The Shoppes at Edison Lakes, overseen by Project Manager Sean Welty and Field Superintendent Doug Bender, is anticipated to be complete towards the end of September.  Potbelly Sandwich Shop is expected to be the first tenant space which will be built out and ready when the retail center building is complete.

“Ancon is thrilled to add yet another retail project to our portfolio”, explains Ancon Designer Matthew VanSoest.  “Ancon has played a major role in the construction of the Main Street and Grape Road Corridors since those thoroughfares really took off through development in the 90’s. This new retail center will add to the development that Mishawaka is currently experiencing along Main Street – between Edison Lakes Parkway and Douglas Road.”

Ancon’s major role in the construction of the Main Street and Grape Road Corridors includes: Princess City Plaza, Main Street Shoppes, Grape and Day Shopping Center, Evil Czech Brewery, Buffalo Wild Wings, Edison Lakes Corporate Office Park, La-Z-Boy Furniture, Sofa Select, Luxe Home Furniture, Outpost Shopping Center, Goodwill, and Basney Honda.

The Power of Giving Back

The Power of Giving Back

Time, talent & treasure are all things that one can give.  ANCON Construction believes in giving all of these and we are proud to be involved, not only in our local community, but engaged throughout our entire region. Saying you are involved with the community puts a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart but recent research proves that companies that are involved in the community tend to be more respected and successful.  The May 2013 study by Cone Communications & Echo Research found that 82% of US Consumers consider Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) when deciding which products or services to buy and who they want to do business with.

According to a recent Entrepreneur Magazine article written by Lindsay Lavine, there are four major things to consider when incorporating community service in your business plan:

1. Build relationships within your community.
Look at your community to see what’s important. Are the schools struggling? Does the animal shelter need donations? For example, Cody Pierce, Vice President of Marketing for Orange City, Iowa-based Pizza Ranch franchises, says the restaurants host “community impact” nights, where friends and family members bus tables to support a local cause, such as raising money for a class trip. Pizza Ranch donates the night’s tips and 5 to 20 percent of the profits to the cause, while community members often provide additional donations.

The business benefits because it fills the restaurant on a typically slow night. He says building relationships starts by making genuine connections with your customers, then finding ways you can contribute.

2. Get your employees on board.
Giving employees an avenue to give back is important to morale and builds a collaborative and inspired team. When your employees love what they’re doing, they do a better job. One recommendation is that businesses offer employees an opportunity to volunteer during work hours or participate in get-togethers after work, which is more fulfilling than just meeting for drinks.

Volunteering also provides leadership opportunities for employees, which leads to increased staff performance and fulfillment and, ultimately, increased productivity and sales.

3. Create a custom volunteer plan.
It is recommended that business owners evaluate their business and employee strengths and select volunteer activities that draw upon those strengths. For example, if you own an accounting firm, you could volunteer to help a nonprofit set up their accounting practices or do their taxes.

Likewise, if you own a restaurant, consider catering a school staff meeting to show your appreciation for your local teachers. Pierce says this may open the door to future catering opportunities, an incremental way to increase revenue. Decide how much time your employees can volunteer through the business on an annual basis, taking into account your operation demands.

4. Let customers know how you’re giving back.
Once you’ve implemented your volunteer strategy, let current and prospective customers know what you’re doing by including this information on your website. Giles suggests putting a dollar amount of how much your donated time or services would normally cost next to the number of hours your employees have spent giving back so it’s easy for customers to understand how much your company gives to the community.Community Involvement

As a 100% Employee Owned company our employees have a stake in the outcome and are heavily involved in our community.  We, as owners, realize the importance of giving back to our community.  A quick snapshot of where our people give of their time, talent, and treasure include:


  • Concord Rotary (Past President)

    Ancon Holiday Give Back

    Each year Ancon Construction celebrates our Not-For-Profit Program. This program offers 10 not-for-profit organizations in Elkhart & St. Joseph County two to three days of free labor and up to $250 in materials to complete a small construction project or repair.

  • Economic Development Corporation (Executive Board Member – Secretary)
  • Goshen Chamber of Commerce (Board Member)
  • Faith Lutheran Church (Past Council Chairman, Building Committee Chairman)
  • Goshen, Fairfield, Elkhart, Concord Schools (Career Days, Community Leadership Councils, Etc.)
  • Goshen Kiwanis (President Elect)
  • Ryan’s Place (Board Member)
  • Walnut Hill Mennonite Church (Past building Trustee)
  • The Vineyard Church (Coordinator of Maintenance, (3) Haiti Relief trips, Food Pantry Coordinator)
  • Building Better Communities (Town of Bremen)
  • St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Youth Choir Director, Church Organist)

Our Corporate Social Responsibility here at ANCON Construction is widespread and very diverse.  Many of the organizations we work with are also clients.  It is a great feeling not only to design and build their buildings but then continue to play a part in their success.  Our past, current and future clients recognize the passion in which ANCON gives and we have built a reputation of trust and integrity because of that.  We love our region and are proud to play a part in building our future.

Ancon Solo

The History & Origin of Memorial Day

The History & Origin of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the official day that we honor those that have served, and are currently serving, in our armed forces.  Officially, Memorial Day is celebrated on a specific date each year but as Americans, we celebrate the freedoms that our soldiers have sacrificed for every moment of our lives.

Have you ever wondered about the origin and history of Memorial Day?  Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and the first city to officially celebrate Memorial Day was Waterloo, New York in 1966.  The origin was borne out of the Civil War and the desire to honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.  The official holiday was proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan.  To learn more about Memorial Day check out the Memorial Day info website.

Have a safe holiday weekend, enjoy time with family and friends and honor those that have allowed us the freedoms we enjoy.

-The Ancon Construction Team


Ancon Brings Indy Back to the Big Screen!

Ancon Brings Indy Back to the Big Screen!

This Friday Ancon Construction is sponsoring a summer film series at the Goshen Theater.  We are proud to present Raiders of the Lost Ark and bring Indiana Jones back to the big screen!  Bring your families out to the Goshen Theater this Friday and enjoy the movie complete with free admission!  To learn more check out Goshen Theater’s website.  Ancon Construction is a proud supporter of the Goshen Theater and we invite you tomorrow to be our guest.

Ryan Kring Joins Ancon Team as Vice President of Business Development

Ryan Kring Joins Ancon Team as Vice President of Business Development

Ancon is thrilled to announce that Ryan Kring has joined the Ancon team as Vice President of Business Development.  Ryan, who received a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Purdue University in 2002, recently served as Sales Manager at Burkhart Advertising and as Senior Account Executive for Burkhart Sign Systems.  Ryan’s roles at Ancon and with Senior Vice President Gary Wetzel include: New Business Development in New Construction and Renovation, Working/Volunteering in the Community, Directing New Marketing Initiatives, Action Planning, Strategic Organization Planning, Maintaining Customer Relationships and Developing New Relationships, Developing and Maintaining Relationships with Local, Regional, and National Architecture Firms, and Problem Solving.

Ryan, who resides in South Bend with his wife Amy has three children.  He is currently President of Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) South Bend, Secretary of South Bend Alumni Association, and Active Rotarian.

When asked “Why the career move to Ancon?”  Ryan’s response is this – “I smile every time people ask me, “Why did you go to work for Ancon”?  I smile because I have been recommending Ancon Construction to businesses and institutions for the past ten years while I was working in the custom sign manufacturing industry.  Signs are a product that Ancon sometimes supplies for their customers so I had the privilege to work with Ancon over the last 10 years where I have gotten to know the people, the culture and their integrity.  When I was approached by Ancon to discuss the open position everything felt comfortable and very organic.  The driving factor was the people that Ancon has in place and the support they provide me.  That solid foundation, pardon the construction pun, gives me the confidence to do what I do best and reach my maximum potential.  Community is very important to me and Ancon, and all the employees, are heavily involved in all the surrounding counties.

My thought when it came down to letting Ancon know if I was coming aboard boiled down to this – I have been referring them for 10 years, I respect the company, culture and the way they do business.  Why would I not want to surround myself with high level people who care and have a culture that encourages success?  I smile, because in the end it was a no brainer 10 years in the making…”.